Create The Vibe:
Hosted by Kevin Stephenson, founder of K3 Marketing and Media Group. A personalized experience that is catered to what YOU want to learn.
Kevin understands that everyone doesn't need to go through the same growing pains he had when learning about photography, business, and overall creative space. Everyone doesn't have the same end goals or has the same starting position, but one thing you can do is always get better.
Whether it's recreational or working to make a career out of your creativity, there are a few things you can learn! Backed by priceless experiences and skills learned along the way, Kevin wants to let you know 'what they won't tell you.'
Create The Vibe
As we continue to diligently navigate the creative world, the goal is to help you avoid the costly mistakes made in the past in order to help expedite your journey to success. With that being said, remember that simply knowledge won’t change your situation. It is the application of knowledge that will allow you to see the results that you are more than capable of achieving.
Don’t forget to share your success stories with us! We can’t wait to see you win.